Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 28/02/2024

Locations & Currencies

This example will help you work with available locations and currencies of MercadoLibre.

Resource Description Example
/classified_locations/countries * Returns countries information. GET
/classified_locations/countries/$COUNTRY_ID * Returns country information by country_id. GET
/classified_locations/states/$STATE_ID * Returns state information. GET
/classified_locations/cities/$CITY_ID * Returns city information. GET
/currencies Returns information about all available currencies in Mercado Libre. GET
/currencies/$CURRENCY_ID Returns information about available currencies in Mercado Libre by currency_id. GET
/currency_conversions/search?from=$CURRENCY_ID&to=$CURRENCY_ID Retrieves the conversion ratio between currencies that MercadoLibre uses in calculations. GET
/countries/$COUNTRY_ID/zip_codes/$ZIP_CODE Retrieves data for the location of the zip code entered. GET
/country/$COUNTRY_ID/zip_codes/search_between?zip_code_from=$ZIP_CODE_FROM&zip_code_to=$ZIP_CODE_TO Retrieve all zip codes for a country_id between two given zip codes. GET

* Exclusive features of Classified Ads (categories of Real Estate, Vehicles and Services).